The Appellate Group

Labrum v. Utah State Bar

Labrum v. Utah State Bar, 2024 UT 24 (Durrant, J.) (dissenting, Hagen, J., Pohlman, J.)

Professional Practice

A California-licensed Attorney (and Utah resident) petitioned the Utah Supreme Court for a waiver of the rule to allow her to sit for the Utah bar exam, even though she did not meet the requirements under the Rules of Professional Practice. The Utah Supreme Court granted the petition, holding:

  • Attorney had shown by clear and convincing evidence that her legal education and experience satisfied the purposes of the rules for which she sought a waiver, and her circumstances were unusual.
  • Practice tip: The court referred the question of whether it should shorten the required practice period for attorney applicants to the rules committee and to the Utah State Bar. It also referred the issue of whether there should be a pathway to admission for graduates of unapproved law schools who do not satisfy the criteria imposed by the current rules.

Read the full court opinion