The Appellate Group

Mulligan v. Alum Rock Riverside

Mulligan v. Alum Rock Riverside, LLC, 2024 UT 22 (Hagen, J.)

Civil Procedure

After Company received a judgment against a Landowner in a California court, it received a writ of execution allowing it to sell a property in Utah. But before it received the writ, Landowner sold the property to Buyers. After Company sold the property, Buyers objected. The district court, however, upheld the writ—and therefore Company’s sale of the property—over Buyer’s objections. The Utah Supreme Court affirmed, holding:

  • The district court correctly upheld the writ. Though Company did need to comply with the Judgment Act’s (Utah Code Title 78B, Chapter 5, Part 2) requirements for creating a lien, Company did not need to file the lien in the registry of judgments.

Read the full court opinion